Monday, March 28, 2005

a million tender pieces


imagine all of the worlds beauty
trapped in a drop of rain
before it can be caught
as it is falling to the ground

cold and translucent beauty
softly sounding on the windowsill
sharply sounding as the wind drives it into the
it can never shatter the window glass
but it fragments the heart
into a million tender pieces
an explosion of beauty

wonder wonderful wonderfilled moments
become a part of the horrid
the dirt
the scum
beauty is trapped in tear shaped droplets
like a delicate pearl caught between two shells
a sigh, a yawn, a warm whisper, a kiss on the mouth
the sound of the rain as it falls
it all last only for a moment, until the raindrop
hits the brown earth
soiled by violent rages
forgotten for more important things
battles and cries shred the heart into a million
bloody pieces
shredding beauty and ripping apart what should remain
a pain that lasts forever

maybe this night
the raindrop is a tear
a tear falling from the moon
she cries for us
a sliver or a circle, she is sad
her face reflects beauty from the sun
the sun who burns his rage upon us in frustration
harmonious, moon and sun both see the world from above

together they complete their endless cycles in perfect
and with every repetition they see our mistakes
the moments we forget and the moments we never notice

venus boils and mars is frozen
lonesome in their beauty
we float between them
waiting for everything to shatter into a million
different pieces
and maybe then some of the beauty will scatter through
the universe
to meet with another star and another satellite
a seed of beauty, a pearl of tenderness, a tear of joy
a perfect raindrop caught in the palm of a hand
to remain in perfect orbit forever


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